Daily Archives: December 10, 2007

You’d think we’d have learned from Slithers…

The backstory: Spouse and the Things went to Corpus Christi this weekend to have a cub scout overnight on the USS Lexington. Since the weather was pretty warm, they hung out on the beach for a while. And of course, they collected shells. The following takes place on Sunday as they are driving back home…


Me: Hey! Where abouts are you?

Spouse: Just south of San Antonio, about 2 more hours.

Me: Ok, cool.

Spouse: So I was telling you yesterday about the beach?

Me: Yeaaaahhh….

Spouse: And that they collected some shells?

Me: Yeaaaahhh….

Spouse: Well, one of them is a hermit crab.

Me: WHAT!?!

Spouse: Yeah, well if I had known, I’d have made him leave it on the beach. Thing 1 told me it was a crab, but I didn’t believe him.

Me: Ok, so now what?

Spouse: Well, I feel kind of bad, taking it away from its home and all.

Me: Aaannnnnddd…

Spouse: Well, can you get some hermit crab stuff so we can at least try to keep the thing alive?

Me: Ok, I guess…

Spouse: You’ve got about 2 hours.

So now we have a freakin’ hermit crab. Apparently we have learned nothing since the Slithers incident. I hope it doesn’t have the same conclusion. But at least this time, I’ll just run back up to Petsmart and buy another crab for $5. Seeing as how I just dropped $30 on supplies, I probably ought to use them…

Oh, and the snake thing? We’re still discussing it. I have a feeling that Santa may get involved in that one.