Daily Archives: December 27, 2007

Resolved: Thursday Thirteen

Happy TT everyone! Well, it’s after Christmas and we’re approaching the New Year. So you know what that means, right? The dreaded Resolutions. These aren’t so much resolutions as realizations. Mainly realizing that I am rapidly approaching middle age and I need to make a few changes. So, this week’s theme is: Thirteen things I will do next year (actually, starting now because why wait?) to be healthier.

1. Drink more water and less soda. Pretty obvious there.
2. Be better about taking my vitamins.
3. See a dentist more regularly. I’ve been blessed with really strong teeth, so I’m not as careful as I should be. This needs to change.
4. Refine my workout. It’s not as effective or as fun, so a little shake-up is in order.
5. Get better sleep habits. Need to cut back on the night owl a bit, especially since I can’t make up for it during the day.
6. Eat a larger breakfast and a smaller lunch. More protein at breakfast will be helpful.
7. Pay closer attention to portion sizes.
8. Stop eating after 8, unless it’s a rehearsal night, then a light fruit snack.
9. More fruit and vegetables, and salad doesn’t count.
10. Get my moles checked out. No reason, just a good idea in general as I have never had it done before.
11. Keep my regular physical exam. Don’t need a mammogram this year, but I do need to check all the other stuff.
12. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s almost all small stuff.
13. Encourage my spouse to do all of the above.

So, what plans do you have? What’s your TT? Play along here.